Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I drove an Audi yesterday...

So I made it to the Monday night aerobics class all by myself last night J I took Sabine’s Audi station wagon and only stalled twice! (mind you this is the first time that I have actually driven a stick shift with no one else in the car, haha). The driving went pretty well, but as with everything in my life right now, it’s just a matter of getting used to it. But now I know I can do it, so making it to the grocery store this weekend shouldn’t be as much of a challenge.

This past weekend, I was hosted by some very generous friends… my best friend’s cousin lives in Germany with her husband and they invited me to stay with them for a weekend. I finally met them for the first time and we had a great weekend together. We went to a town called Burghausen, with the longest castle in Germany, enjoyed the fest in the town next to them called Regensburg and toured around Nuremberg on Sunday. It was so great to have something to do this with this first weekend I’ve had alone here. The weather is getting a lot better now, so not all hope is lost on having a little more summer. Hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy some more towns nearby before it really turns to winter…

Photos at: http://ucdavis.facebook.com/photos.php?id=3206990&l=b9f74


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