Saturday, July 21, 2007


I went out last night with some friends. Two au pairs from Canada, and we met several other people at the bar we went to. It was actually a really fun night out in Ludwigsburg, and I got to experience the joys of the night bus, yet again. Why I didn't try taking it sooner, I don't know. Anyhow, at one point the two Canadians were talking to a German friend (who didn't know I was American), and they leaned over and asked "What's the difference between Canadians and Americans" I didn't really have an answer for them, but just as I was about to say 'I don't know' the German says "All Americans like Bush" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ...that is, really, like my worst fear come true. That people really think that about Americans. I have been really lucky this whole time to be surrounded by pretty open minded people, who give me the benefit of the doubt and don't assume that I am a war supporting Bush lover, but this is really an idea that people have!!! I was just so shocked. I think this year I have made an effort to try to dispel these negative images while I am here. That not all Americans are ethnocentric, not interested in learning other languages, uninformed, war supporting, etc. So then of course, after my cry out in disbelief at his statement, he says "oh sorry (we're all laughing though).... but, really, do you like Bush?" I say No. (and even if you are a supporter, you'd better not let that out while abroad, i don't know if you would have any friends) It was amusing, we were laughing and joking about it, but it was a reality check for me, about how people view America, and Americans.


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