Germans love a good fest, as do I! And now that the weather is nicer, and spring is in full swing, it was due time for yet another of these amazing German traditions: the Fruhlingsfest in Stuttgart. Fruhling means spring in German, so the event is aptly named. It started on Saturday, and I went with the group of my British friends and it was oh so fun. We met in the beer garden in the Schloss Park in Stuttgart for a bite to eat before hand, then walked to the festivities. Again the regular things were there, rides, indulgent foods, games, and of course beer halls. We had a table reserved and a group of about 30+ of us parked our selves for a good round of drinking, chicken eating (the best rotisserie chicken ever) singing and dancing. It was great fun, as expected, and I loved every second of it. Now, I can hardly believe that I will leave for Barcelona in less than a week!! We have been planning that trip since before christmas and it is finally here :-)

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