lindsay comes to Germany!
So not more than two weeks after my trip to Spain, my friends Lindsay came to see me in Germany. It was a last minute vacation planned because basically the whole country of Spain takes a week long holiday for Easter called Semana Santa. Anyhow, between me and her other German friends, who she met while they were au pairs in Madrid, she had a lot of people to visit here. She got here Friday night and I was able to pick her up with the car (I am always looking for excuses to drive anywhere :-) . We grabbed a drink in Ludwigsburg before heading home and getting a good night´s sleep. Saturday morning we sat down for the normal breakfast with the family, which is SUPER different from how Lindsay does things with her host family, so I think she enjoyed seeing how my ways of things works. Saturday was kind of sloppy weather, but it was ok, because I had just planned for us to do a bit of shopping anyhow. We went into Stuttgart, and went down the main shopping street, and saw some things along the way. In the afternoon, we sat down for a traditional German coffee and cake. Then we headed back to my house to get ready for the night.
We met up with three of her friends for dinner and going out. They all came a little distance to see her, so it was great that we were all able to get together. We took her out for some Schwäbisch (area around Stuttgart) food, and then went to some bars and clubs. It was so much fun! We ended the night getting a ride home from her friends sister, but not before making an hour detour to take her friend home first, how nice of the sister! Anyhow, we got home around 4, so maybe the night bus would have been better, but at least this way we got to sleep on the ride home :-)

Sunday we had a last breakfast with the family before heading into Ludwigsburg for the day. We had much better weather and spent the first part of the day at the Ludwigsburg schloss (palace) and the gardens. It was so beautiful! The gardens have just been relanscaped and opend for the summer, so it great to walk around and see everything. After that we went into town for a little snack, and went to meet her friends. One of the girls just moved to Ludwigsburg, so it was very convenient. We just hung out for a little bit, then I took Lindsay and her friend to the Stuttgart train station, so they could meet their ride. She was headed off to a town near Munich until Wednesday, so it will be great to come all this way and see a little more of Germany!

We met up with three of her friends for dinner and going out. They all came a little distance to see her, so it was great that we were all able to get together. We took her out for some Schwäbisch (area around Stuttgart) food, and then went to some bars and clubs. It was so much fun! We ended the night getting a ride home from her friends sister, but not before making an hour detour to take her friend home first, how nice of the sister! Anyhow, we got home around 4, so maybe the night bus would have been better, but at least this way we got to sleep on the ride home :-)

It was a wonderful weekend, and it was so great to have Lindsay here. I loved being able to show her where I am and how different Germany is from Spain. It´s so funny that we are basically doing the same thing, yet doing it totally differently. I am now really excited to have my parents come too, so I can show them around too!! Just 5 more months, crazy!
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